https://www.kaggle.com/c/cat-in-the-dat-ii Categorical Feature Encoding Challenge II | Kaggle www.kaggle.com 앞서 풀었던 이진분류 경진대회와 똑같은 성격이다. This follow-up competition offers an even more challenging dataset so that you can continue to build your skills with the common machine learning task of encoding categorical variables. This challenge adds the additional complexity of feature interactions, as w..

피처 요약표 6장 적용 def resumetable(df): print(f'데이터 세트 형상: {df.shape}') summary = pd.DataFrame(df.dtypes, columns=['데이터 타입']) summary = summary.reset_index() summary = summary.rename(columns={'index': '피처'}) summary['결측값 개수'] = df.isnull().sum().values summary['고윳값 개수'] = df.nunique().values summary['첫 번째 값'] = df.loc[0].values summary['두 번째 값'] = df.loc[1].values summary['세 번째 값'] = df.loc[2].values ..
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